Baokhoa Vu

Full Stack Developer

About Me

Having over 4 years of experience ranging from freelancing to working for a non-profit digital marketing agency, I've developed and intergrated many different Cloud based Management Softwares using unique out of the box solutions tailored to each. These developments include building reuseable intergration scripts, interactive dashboards, mobile responsive email development, and detailed reports utilizing custom queries.


Angular 9
Blackbaud Luminate

Recent Projects

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Portfolio built using Gatsby with MDX for copy and image intergration. Data is retrieved using GraphQL for complex refined layered queries across components. Layout and responsive web design uses Tailwind for layouts and styles.

ReactJSGatsbyGraphQLMDXTailwindStyled ComponentsVercel

Baolog is a Next.js Headless CMS App populated with WordPress Data using GraphQL for complex layered data binding. Copy and images are housed on WordPress' CMS and intergrated to each corresponding page. Responsive Layout and styles are applied using tailwind with across breakpoints.

Bao Covid Map

Bao Covid Map is a create-react-app React app out of the box that uses Axios fetch API's in order to retrieve Covid data. Data retrieved from github's public API's regarding covid data on a global scale is utilized and rendered using Rechart and MapBox for an interactive dashboard and map.

ReactJSMapBoxAxiosRechartsReact TablesStyled ComponentsVercel

KristeenaJS is a Next.Js React App template using SnipCart's API for client side e-commerce operations. This allows users who visit to seamlessly explore and make donations based on what's available on the home page. Created as a single page application that uses SCSS to style in a responsive web design.

Online Check In

Online Check In is a full stack Angular 9 Web App that utilizes Blackbaud's CRM for fundraising and on the ground event operations. The app uses TypeScript for it's client and server side API's and saves single sign on with cookies and local storage to connect to Blackbaud's CMS platform when hitting external links. Donations and revenue are rendered and posted after calculated from Individual and Team Fundraising.

Blackbaud LuminateAngular 9ExpressMaterial ThemeTypescriptDockerAWS
Ride To Conquer Cancer Toronto

The Ride To Conquer Cancer Toronto website is a dev environment created for implementation and troubleshooting testing before applying to the live site using create-react-app as the base. The app uses Styled Components to create elements with common nested and best practices for responsive layout.

ReactJSStyled ComponentsBootstrapExpressNodemonMongodbHeroku

If you have any problems, check out this repo at this GitHub repository.

Baokhoa Dinh Vu